The Lord is Risen! Hallelujah!
I hope you were able to watch our livestream Easter Service today. And if you've joined us, THANK YOU for celebrating with us the glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!
"Why do you seek the living among the dead?" (Luke 24:5)
Here are some of the fine points of the message:
Let's learn from the faithfulness of the women who stayed with Jesus until he was buried and were also the first ones to go to the tomb on resurrection morning.
The disciples were on a lockdown on resurrection morning out of fear ("the doors being locked where the disciples were"). Now that we have Jesus' resurrection power, there is nothing to fear.
Jesus' post-resurrection message is about His peace for troubled souls, the promise of the Holy Spirit, forgiving others, proclaiming the gospel, and His promise that He will be with us till the end of the age.
This week, let us go forth in the power of the risen Christ telling others about this living hope that we can have by accepting the gift of eternal life through Jesus. Let's help people find the living, life in Christ, among the dead things that don't bring hope and satisfaction. God bless you my brothers and sisters!