Pastor's Daily Briefing: 4.9.2020

Yesterday, I had the chance to talk and pray with Pastor Peter Wong, the Missions Advocate for Advancing Native Missions (ANM) based in Virginia, formerly headed by Atty. Bo Barredo. ANM is currently supporting 11,000 local missionaries worldwide (that's amazing!). We have been supporting 10 ANM missionaries for years in addition to Pastor Chuck and sis. Liza of Agape World Missions and Justin and Melissa of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. Please pray for the daughter of one of our missionaries, Davy Montes, who was exposed to a COVID-19 patient and is awaiting results. Pastor Danny Montes and his wife, Cita Montes are ministering in Samar, Philippines. In relation to this...

  • Please let's remember to pray for all of our missionaries worldwide during this hard economic times. The gospel is being preached nonstop and people are still getting saved. By the grace of God, we continue to send support to all of our missionaries every month.

  • ANM has a total of 70 ministries they support in the Philippines comprising of 1,800 native missionaries. Some of them are ministering in rebel and muslim areas.

  • Many of the missionaries live in regions where access to healthcare and government relief is minimal and often nonexistent and this makes them particularly vulnerable.

Let's pray for healing not only for the physical but more so for the spiritual healing/salvation of every person. Physical healing is temporary at best, but spiritual healing is eternal and concerns the very destiny of a person' soul.

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).