Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.25.2020

"Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith." (I Thessalonians 3:7)

During times of distress, we best exemplify our faith to the unbelieving world. Genuine faith anchored on the Word of God will always inspire and encourage others. A good question for us to ask is, "How am I exercising my faith during these trying times to encourage others?"

Just a couple of good news to pass on today:

  • While cases continue to rise, Chicago scores an "A" on Social Distancing Scoreboard according to GPS analysis project. Let's continue to support current social practices that not only promote the protection of the community but especially for our healthcare workers. The less patients they have to see, the safer it is for them to do their work effectively and without the entire healthcare system being overwhelmed by the influx of cases.

  • The President of the United States optimistically declared that he hopes we can have a semblance of normal economic activity by Easter, April 12th, while still strictly adhering to social distancing. Let's pray that Resurrection Sunday will be a promising new beginning for all of us!

I just saw this post today, "You are called to be the Physical Presence of the gospel in your community." With what's going on around us, opportunities abound to demonstrate our faith in tangible terms to a truth-seeking, desperate humanity.