It was an awesome feeling being outdoors yesterday experiencing a great summer-like weather even when everyone's on the edge. Our boys enjoyed it to the hilt by playing football in our backyard.
We are beginning to realize that the little things that we often take for granted in the past are now of primary importance to us. The Word of God tells us that whatever we do, let's do it all for God. When we do it for God, the little ordinary things of life become more meaningful and significant.
"So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
I just have the following to pass on today:
We will have a livestream service this coming Friday in commemoration of the passion of Christ that culminated on the cross. We will reenact the Lord's Supper and so we will have a communion. Please prepare a bread and a cup of grape juice. We will start at 7:30 pm (to give more time for people to prepare).
Nothing beats home-cooked meals, but if you are planning on ordering your Easter brunch, lunch, or dinner. Here's a great link that you can check and have the options of either a delivery, takeout, or curbside pickup:
Let's keep meditating on this week's powerful and compelling events in the life of our Lord Jesus as he went through the darkest period of his life when he bore your sins and my sins on the cross. As this week and the next are being touted as the most difficult time in our nation's battle against the deadly virus, let's remind ourselves that this is also the week in which Jesus defeated, disarmed, and destroyed the greatest virus of all - sin and death! The promise of the resurrection was not an empty promise. It is the greatest miracle of all!