Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.23.2020

"I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust. Surely He will deliver me from the fowler's snare and deadly pestilence." (Psalm 91:2,3)

This is a powerful declaration of protection that we can confess everyday. Our family has been memorizing the whole Psalm 91 and we're getting there. Sis. Cathy has memorized it long time ago. She even turned it into a song (that's why :) )

Just a couple things today:

  • Starting this Sunday, we will be including the Holy Communion in our livestream service as part of our worship. Please prepare a piece of bread and a small cup of juice and we will all partake together.

  • The latest news from our state: Metra is cutting weekday service in half starting today due to drops in ridership. We've surpassed the 1,000 cases mark with nine deaths. Let's continue to intensify our prayers and adhere strictly to stay-at-home guidelines. We will weather this storm by God's grace.

Know that we are praying for you and please don't hesitate to call us if you are in need of anything - even to deliver groceries if you can't make it to the store. We are all in this together and we will pull through together with the mighty help of the Holy Spirit. God bless everyone!

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.22.2020

Thank you, everyone, who joined us today in our live-streaming service! We appreciate so much your time and comments while watching.

Here are a few things to remember this week:

  • Our nightly community prayer is continuing. You may invite anyone to join us so that we can be a blessing to them. Please send in your prayer requests too. We will be happy to pray for them.

  • Please continue to shelter-in-place as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in our state. New York is now the epicenter of this outbreak in the US.

Let's stay strong together. If God is for us who can be against us (Romans 8:31). We will come out of this much stronger and determined to live for God!

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.21.2020

If you say, "The Lord is my refuge," and you make the most high your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, and no disaster will come near your tent. (Psalm 91:9,10)

Powerful! Let's make that a daily confession. In every promise there is a condition. The condition is for us to acknowledge the Lord as our refuge and make him our dwelling not just a temporary habitation as transients when times are tough, but to make Him a permanent part of our lives in good times and in bad times.

A couple of things today:

  • As you all know by now, the Governor has placed the entire state in a "stay-at-home" mode effective today at 5 pm until April 7. Let's all be conscientious citizens and only leave our houses for essential travels.

  • Our duty is to safeguard the health of our people and contribute to the good of the general public. Many members in our worship team are in the healthcare profession. We will do all we can to protect them. Hence, we will livestream our worship service from our home starting at 10:45 am tomorrow.

The church is not made up of bricks and mortars; it is made up of believers worshipping together in homes and wherever two or more are gathered in His name anytime of the day and anywhere in the world. Which is why no one can stop the church from worshipping even with this virus floating around. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it!

Stay safe. Stay connected. And stay informed. God bless everyone!

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.20.2020

Good morning Faith Family!

Today we have a few people celebrating their birthdays: Pastor Greg Agngarayngay, bro. Rene Garcia, and bro. Eugene Corpuz. May the Lord's mighty hand continue to protect and direct you according to His will and grant you good health and success all the days of your lives!

Here are a couple of things today:

  • Oak Park's shelter-in-place took effect midnight last night. This is a euphemistic term equivalent to a lockdown. We may be seeing more of these soon. California just did last night too.

  • As you gather your families for prayer, please remember to pray for the following in addition to our healthcare workers: families going through stressful times, people who have lost a loved one because of the virus, hope and healing for those who are currently infected and are suffering, an antidote vaccine to be discovered soon and finding drugs that will counter or neutralize the effects of the virus.

Shekinah and I will be traveling to Olivet Nazarene University today to pick up her belongings and books. Please pray for us. Keep the faith. We shall overcome by the grace of God. Here's part of a passage that we looked at last night with our children:

"And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia." (1 Thessalonians 1:6,7)

In times like these, let's be an example to all in faith and in living out the gospel with the joy of the Holy Spirit. God bless!

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.19.2020

Today is the first day of spring! This is the earliest spring we'll ever see perhaps in our lifetime - the last time spring arrived this early was 124 years ago in 1896!

Here's a few things to be mindful about:

  • COVID-19 cases in our State have dramatically risen to 288 yesterday with 122 new additional cases in a day, 46 alone are in a nursing home in Dupage County.

  • As faithful and good citizens, let us continue to exercise social distancing to mitigate the spread of the virus. We have got to take this seriously.

  • Social distancing doesn't mean social disengagement. Please continue to reach out to your friends and loved ones to offer prayers and encouragement.

  • We have compiled a list of our healthcare workers. Please remember them regularly in your prayers. Also remember our first responders, law enforcement officers, sanitation workers, state and local officials, and the White House COVID-19 Task Force headed by VP Pence.

The arrival of spring reminds us that there are seasons in life and what we're going through right now will not last forever. Tough times never last, tough people do. Times of uncertainties will give way to times of rebuilding and restoration. Hang in there and let's lift up our heads, our redemption is coming!

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19)

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.18.2020

Psalm 150:6, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!"

Good morning Church! We are alive and get to live another day! That is something to praise God for!

Here are a few things to pass on:

  • Chaplains Dale and sis. Lorna Villarias Tippett arrived from the Philippines last night. Praise God for His sustaining grace and protection. Welcome back!

  • We have started our nightly prayer last night at 8 pm through our prayer phone conference call. Join us whenever you can. Everyone is welcome to join.

  • Youth Worship Night scheduled on March 27th has been canceled.

While hunkered down in our homes, now is a great time to reconnect with our loved ones. Let's stay strong and united in prayer. Lean into God's sustaining presence and steadfast love. Shall this COVID-19 separate us from the love of Christ? "No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37).

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.17.2020

Good morning Faith Family! Just some quick reports to pass on to you:

  • Every public and private school in Illinois is closing today, from kindergarten through 12th grade till March 30th. Other districts have longer duration of closing. Strong possibility that school shutdown could be extended.

  • We will be opening our prayer lines everyday at 8:00 pm. Join the prayer team starting tonight by calling (480) 297-0773 then press 4715693# for the access code. The times are calling for serious prayer by those who are truly called by His name.

  • From the latest guidelines issued by President Trump, avoid social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people (please see attachments for more instructions).

Even in the midst of turmoil, we can experience the peace of God! Listen in to what Jesus is speaking to you today: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid" (John 14:27).

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.16.2020

Good morning Faith Family!

The following reports have just come in the last 24 hours:

  • CDC has issued new guidelines prohibiting the gathering of 50 or more people. We have already planned for and complied with this as of yesterday by live-streaming our service.

  • We should always be guided by wisdom and protect the people we serve especially the vulnerable ones. It is also our moral obligation to help the nation in "flattening the curve" and slow down the spread of this virus so as not to overwhelm our healthcare workers, hospitals, and medical equipment. Important: please pray daily for all of our healthcare workers.

  • The Governor of Illinois has ordered all restaurants and bars to be closed by end of business today until March 30th. Drive through and pick up services will still be allowed.

  • We have some emergency food supplies in our food pantry. If you know of anyone who is in desperate need, please refer them to us. We will do all we can to extend help to anyone - members or non-members alike in our communities. If you would like to donate any excess goods, please contact bro. Jhun Almosara Letada so that he can meet you in the church. Let's continue to honor the Lord through our faithful giving to keep the work of the Lord flowing. If you've missed the opportunity to worship in giving, please see attachment.

Here's one of the passages that Pastor Greg quoted yesterday from his message: "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (Peter 5:6-7)

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Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.15.2020

Thank you, everyone, for watching our live stream service today! A big thank you to bro. Ched Cuaresma and Nic Fallorin and the rest of the Youth IMPACT team for making it happen. Thank God for our speaker today, Pastor Greg Agngarayngay who gave an encouraging word and our Praise and Worship Team led by Bro. George Bulanhagui for an anointed worship! Join us again next Sunday for another worship service to be streamed live from FFWC! Here are a few quick announcements:

  • If you are looking for some kids or family activities while everyone is home, try logging in to RightNow Media to explore so many great teaching materials both for the young and adults. Let me know if you need access. It's all for free.

  • Please continue to exercise caution and social distancing to slow down the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.

  • Our Prayer Team always stands ready for any prayer needs. Please contact sis. Maricel Lanuzo-orbon if you have urgent prayer needs and she will notify the team.

We are all in this together. If you need anything that the body of Christ can provide, please don't hesitate to call us. We are praying for everyone's safety and health. God bless you all!

"Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever." - Psalm 136:26

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.14.2020

An old proverb goes this way: "A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, But a broken spirit dries up the bones." (Prov. 17:22)

I am elated when I see people finding some good-natured humor in the midst of a crisis which cheers up the heart. Staying cheerful, positive, and joyful are some of the best antidote to fear. Focus on how good and faithful God is. Keep spreading the good news rather than the negative news. Here are some very relevant information:

  • We will live stream our morning service tomorrow at 10:45 am. Please tune in to this page. Bring your families together to watch our live stream service in the comforts of your home and worship with us! A link will also be available through our website: to access our live stream.

  • Please use our online giving which is being utilized by many of our members. Just text any dollar amount to (773) 570-9552 and follow the directions to designate your giving (offering, tithes, missions, Destiny Rescue, etc.). Or you can go to our website: You may download the easyTithe app to your phone and choose Faith Family Worship Center as the organization, enter our zip code 60634, then follow the directions (this is what I use - the app easyTithe).

  • We are slowly building up our Food Pantry Supplies to serve our community. If you would like to donate please contact bro. Jhun Almosara Letada or any of our Deacons and Helps Ministry members.

The people of God have always overcome when there are periods of upheavals and persecutions. History is replete with examples of how Christians stood courageous and unflinching in the midst of crisis. They flourished and became the hands and feet of Jesus extending help to anyone. The times we're living in are no different. We shall overcome and the mighty hand of God will keep us steady and protected. God bless you and join us with our live stream worship tomorrow!

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.13.2020

Good morning Faith Family! Here's a powerful passage from the book of James:

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4)

Here are some keys things to report today:

  • Our topmost priority right now is the health and safety of everyone and minimize exposure. Hence, after consulting with the board we will be moving to online service this Sunday. We will not have any public gathering in FFWC starting this Sunday until further notice. We will provide you more details about the mechanics of our online service.

  • Prayer night tonight will be a prayer conference phone call at 8:00 pm. Please join us in praying for our families and communities by calling (480) 297-0773 and then enter code 4715693# (press the pound sign after the number).

  • I will be going to church today to deliver some emergency supplies. We will have very limited supplies for the short-term. We all have the responsibility to prepare our families and be of help to others in times of need.

During times of uncertainties, let's remain steadfast and count it all joy as James exhorts us. Please spread the word to those who do not have FB accounts. I'm sending text messages and e-mails to all the ministry leaders. Let's protect the vulnerable, help the weak, and pray for everyone's safety. We will all get through this and overcome by God's grace and power. God bless everyone!

Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.12.2020

Good morning Faith Family! Starting today I will be providing you a Pastor's Daily Briefing to keep everyone abreast about what's going on in the church. This will be your source of information relating to any announcement that we will be making. If you have concerns or questions please address them here on our homepage.

  • Church worship is still scheduled this Sunday in FFWC unless announced otherwise. We are monitoring and taking in developments as they come.

  • Temperature screening is in effect. Please stay at home if you are experiencing a fever, cough, or shortness of breath. See your doctor.

  • No physical touch policy in effect.

  • We have hand sanitizers stationed at each entrance door of the church that you may use. Wash hands regularly.

  • Our agape servers will continue to wear masks and gloves. When it's appropriate we may have to temporarily cancel our agape lunches. We have not made this decision yet.

  • Our caretakers in the church had been instructed to regularly disinfect the doorknobs, pews (a section each day), countertops, and bathrooms.

  • The Children's Ministry will take care of disinfecting the nursery and monitoring children.

  • The P/W Ministry will take care of the musical instruments and microphones.

  • Bible studies will be at the discretion of the group leaders and members. Groups that have elderly in them or with members who have a present medical condition or are undergoing treatments are advised to consider foregoing group gatherings for now.

This is it for now. Stay tuned. Please take care of your family. Keep praying and stay positive. God is good! Declare 2 Timothy 1:7 and Psalm 91 over your circumstances. I speak life, health, divine protection upon you and your children, in Jesus' name!