Pastor's Daily Briefing: 4.2.2020

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow weary and increases the power of the weak." (Isaiah 40:28,29)

The numbers that experts are predicting about the number of deaths in the US using different models are truly staggering and unimaginable. But numbers are just numbers. We trust in the power and ability of God to turn the tide around for our good. Let's keep praying and humbling ourselves before God. Let's cry out for mercy and intercede for our nation and the world. Let's pray that the scourge of this virus will end soon.

I have the following to pass on to you:

  • We will continue to commemorate the Lord's Supper every Sunday. Please have a piece of bread and juice ready and we will partake together this Sunday. It's been said that John Wesley, the great revivalist, partook of the communion 3 to 4 times weekly. Jesus, himself, said to do it as often as we can in remembrance of Him.

  • Our service will be livestreamed at 10:45 am this Sunday on our public FFWC page. Please invite your friends to like our page so that they can watch.

Our phone prayer line is open every night at 8:00 pm. We have a growing number of people who are joining us who have a heavy burden for their families and friends. Send us names of people you want to be prayed for and we will lift them up individually before the Lord. Now is the time to call upon the Lord while we can. Stay strong and focused on the goodness of the Lord for His "mercy fails not, they are new every morning." To pray with us, call (480) 297-0773, then enter code: 4715693#