We are created to be in a community, designed to be a part of a caring and nurturing group in order to help us achieve our fullest potentials as God's children. Check out the various POWER Up groups that we offer to everyone. You are more than welcome to join any one of them!
Sunday School Adult POWER Up Group
A Bible Study group meeting every Sunday after Agape Lunch at 1:30 pm in the
Fellowship Hall. Please contact Bro. Willie Mallare
School of Theology and Prophecy (STEP) POWER Up Group. “God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages”
A class taught by Pastor Mamerto Cortez every Sunday at 1:30 pm in the church parsonage basement. You may contact Pastor Mert at (224) 730-1545
Sunday POWER Up Group
A Bible Study group meeting every Sunday at 4 pm in various homes. Please contact Bro. Bobbits at (773) 936-4267
Tuesday POWER Up Group
A Bible Study group meeting every Tuesday at 7 pm in Faith Family Worship Center Fellowship Hall. Facilitated by Pastor Archie. You may contact him at (847) 840-8006.
Thursday POWER Up Group
A Bible Study group meeting every Thursday at 7 pm in various homes. Group is currently studying the book of Daniel. Facilitated by bro. Dennis. You may contact him at (773) 744-1647.
Giant-Slayers POWER Up Group
Based on the series of messages about slaying the giant of fear, failure & resentment, worry, discouragement, etc. Once a month home Bible study class starting on October 8, Sunday, at 7 pm in the Lojo-Tenchavez’s residence. Facilitated by Pastor Ed. Please contact him for directions.