Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.14.2020

An old proverb goes this way: "A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, But a broken spirit dries up the bones." (Prov. 17:22)

I am elated when I see people finding some good-natured humor in the midst of a crisis which cheers up the heart. Staying cheerful, positive, and joyful are some of the best antidote to fear. Focus on how good and faithful God is. Keep spreading the good news rather than the negative news. Here are some very relevant information:

  • We will live stream our morning service tomorrow at 10:45 am. Please tune in to this page. Bring your families together to watch our live stream service in the comforts of your home and worship with us! A link will also be available through our website: to access our live stream.

  • Please use our online giving which is being utilized by many of our members. Just text any dollar amount to (773) 570-9552 and follow the directions to designate your giving (offering, tithes, missions, Destiny Rescue, etc.). Or you can go to our website: You may download the easyTithe app to your phone and choose Faith Family Worship Center as the organization, enter our zip code 60634, then follow the directions (this is what I use - the app easyTithe).

  • We are slowly building up our Food Pantry Supplies to serve our community. If you would like to donate please contact bro. Jhun Almosara Letada or any of our Deacons and Helps Ministry members.

The people of God have always overcome when there are periods of upheavals and persecutions. History is replete with examples of how Christians stood courageous and unflinching in the midst of crisis. They flourished and became the hands and feet of Jesus extending help to anyone. The times we're living in are no different. We shall overcome and the mighty hand of God will keep us steady and protected. God bless you and join us with our live stream worship tomorrow!