Pastor's Daily Briefing: 3.19.2020

Today is the first day of spring! This is the earliest spring we'll ever see perhaps in our lifetime - the last time spring arrived this early was 124 years ago in 1896!

Here's a few things to be mindful about:

  • COVID-19 cases in our State have dramatically risen to 288 yesterday with 122 new additional cases in a day, 46 alone are in a nursing home in Dupage County.

  • As faithful and good citizens, let us continue to exercise social distancing to mitigate the spread of the virus. We have got to take this seriously.

  • Social distancing doesn't mean social disengagement. Please continue to reach out to your friends and loved ones to offer prayers and encouragement.

  • We have compiled a list of our healthcare workers. Please remember them regularly in your prayers. Also remember our first responders, law enforcement officers, sanitation workers, state and local officials, and the White House COVID-19 Task Force headed by VP Pence.

The arrival of spring reminds us that there are seasons in life and what we're going through right now will not last forever. Tough times never last, tough people do. Times of uncertainties will give way to times of rebuilding and restoration. Hang in there and let's lift up our heads, our redemption is coming!

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19)