Late last Sunday evening, someone sent me this question through messenger:
"Why did God allow this COVID-19 pandemic?"
Here's my answer. Please bear with me as this is a long answer. It is not a simple question.
The ultimate answer is we do not exactly know. But we know that we live in a fallen, sin-cursed world. Death, diseases, viruses are realities of living in a fallen world. There is evil in the world and man still has a freewill to choose between good and evil.
Why did God allow this COVID-19 to kill thousands? It's the same question being asked over and over again once a calamity strikes like the Tsunami that hit Indonesia in 2004 killing thousands, the Yolanda typhoon in the Philippines, earthquakes, hurricanes etc. Death does not come from God. John 10:10 is very clear: "The thief (satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I (Jesus) came that you might have life and have it abundantly."
Creation is groaning the Bible says for its redemption (Romans 8). It is subject to decay and destruction. This makes the promise of a new heaven and a new earth more compelling. Even our mortal bodies which are subject to diseases will one day be transformed by our resurrected bodies (1 Cor. 15:54).
We are shaken to the core when we see too many deaths all at once but we need to realize death is always a reality for mankind. If we look at the numbers of stroke and accident victims, influenza deaths, heart attack and cancer, they are in the millions. This pandemic should not come as a surprise. Creation is awaiting its redemption from its Creator.
So why would God allow calamities to happen? To accomplish His spiritual purposes. To test our faith like how he tested Job. Even then satan had to ask permission to test Job. Now because of this virus, people are crying to the Lord, humbling themselves before the Lord and repenting of their sins. People are beginning to realize that God and relationships are more important than anything. God is beginning to remove the idols from people's heart. Nations are beginning to realize that they are powerless against the forces of this disease and that they need divine intervention. Doctors in Italy who are rabid atheists are turning to God.
Jesus gave us a warning and reassurance some 2000 years ago: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). He lets us know in advance that there will be trials, sufferings, sicknesses, and hardships while we live in the world. But he encourages to take heart because he has overcome. He is living in us, so he gives us the ability to overcome even to the point of death.
So now we are seeing some of God's purposes throughout this. We just have to continue to draw near and trust Him in the midst of this global pandemic. For Christians, death is not the end of everything. It is the gateway to our eternal destiny. Let's spread the hope of the gospel during this turbulent times. It's the only hope for humanity.