We have some unfinished business with Peter the Apostle. We were a little bit tough on him because of his denial of Jesus. He failed big time. But his story does not end there. And just like Peter, our story should not end when we fail to live up to our commitment. Tomorrow, I will be sharing about Peter's path to restoration, and so my topic is, "How Jesus Transforms Failures Into Faithful Servants." This is based on John 21:1-19.
Meanwhile, I have a couple of things today:
We will celebrate the Holy Communion at the end of my message tomorrow. So please have a bread and juice ready.
Invite your friends to watch our livestream service. It will be shown on our public page. This is the easiest way to witness to your unbelieving friends. Invite or share.
Our plan is to start live-streaming our service in our worship center by the first Sunday of May, the Lord willing. It will just be the pastor and worship team as we will limit the number of people according to state guidelines. Our reopening will be gradual and will be done by phases.
Have a wonderful and restful weekend! Jesus lives and He lives within our hearts!